Integrated Logistics

Integrated Logistics

Our coal production, coal handling & transportation is supported through a robust logistics infrastructure built over years of our planning and systematic execution of infrastructure development plans. Oorja Group integrated logistics network extending from coal mining site to stockyard, large coal handling & crushing units, jetty facility for barge loading for shipment to domestic clients and international clients through ships make the end-to-end coal supply chain a seamless experience. 

Our strong and integrated logistics network has become the backbone of our coal mining business.

Considering the significance of an integrated logistics network, we have invested significantly in the creation of a strong and large-capacity logistics network to handle a large volume of coal. Further with the growing scale of our operations and increasing requirement of coal handling and transporting capacity we are continuously adding to the capacity of our logistics network with considerable care in maintaining and upkeeping the entire logistics network.


Key benefits

The presence of a strong integrated logistics network helps us deliver coal to our clients in a timely and efficient manner.