ESG for Oorja Group is where Environmental, Social, and Governance becomes the Priority Benchmark in investment development throughout the development of Mining projects under the auspices of the Multi International Company Oorja Group Indonesia. This refers to the criteria used by the company to evaluate performance in terms of social responsibility, environment, and quality of governance of mining implementation in accordance with the Implementation Provisions mandated in the Policies and Regulations of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia.
This includes how companies manage their environmental impact. This can include company policies related to reducing carbon emissions, waste management, natural resource conservation, and other environmentally friendly practices.
It focuses on how companies treat their employees, consumers, the communities they live in, and how they contribute to the overall social welfare. This can include issues such as occupational safety and health, human rights, diversity, relationships with local communities, and corporate charitable programs.
This refers to how a company is managed, including corporate structure, corporate policies, transparency, and business ethics. Good governance includes things like board diversity, board independence, fair executive compensation, and transparent accounting practices.
This includes how the company manages its own environmental impact. This can include company policies related to reducing carbon emissions, managing natural resource conservation areas, and environmentally friendly practices developed by the company are very sustainable. From upstream to downstream, environmental management is developed in the form of cooperation with government stakeholders and communities around the mining location. A real example that has been running and developing in accordance with general mining governance is where the company has built a Special School of Agriculture and Forestry in collaboration with the East Kalimantan Provincial Environment and Forestry Service for the development program of plant nurseries for Reclamation and Post-Mining needs.
It focuses on how the company treats its employees, society and surrounding communities, and how all stakeholders contribute to overall social well-being. This can include issues such as security, occupational safety and health, infrastructure, diversity, relations with local communities, and the Community Development and Empowerment programs implemented by the company to create sustainability.
It refers to how a company is managed, including corporate structure, corporate policies, transparency, and business ethics. Good governance includes things like board diversity, board independence, fair executive compensation and transparent accounting practices. The application of Governance to mining activities by the company is:
Environmental Management within the scope of Oorja Group
Mining companies can implement environmentally friendly mining practices, such as the application of more efficient processing technologies to reduce waste, post-mining land restoration, and conservation of water and soil resources.
Ensuring the safety and well-being of mine workers, taking into account the rights of local communities, and ensuring their participation and consultation in decision-making are important parts of the social aspect of ESG.
Implementing good governance in mining companies includes transparency, accountability and fairness. This involves developing policies that take into account the interests of all stakeholders, including workers, communities and shareholders.
Revegetation and Land Restoration:
Mining companies can revegetate and restore post-mining lands using nature-based solutions such as endemic plants, replanting forests, and returning lands to natural habitats.
Water Management:
Implementation of NBS in water management includes construction of artificial wetlands or rehabilitation of natural wetlands to clean mine wastewater before it is discharged into the environment.
Tree Planting and Carbon Management:
Tree planting or forest restoration can also be part of NBS’s strategy to reduce carbon emissions and manage climate change impacts from mining operations.
Implementing ESG and NBS also involves collaborating with local communities, local governments, NGOs, and other relevant parties to design and implement sustainable programs for the environment and local communities.